Degrees of Freedom Calculator

Use df calculator to calculate degrees of freedom for various statistical tests, including ANOVA, Chi-square, and t-tests.

How to use the degree of freedom calculator?

  1. Select the test type from the dropdown menu. The options include:
    • ANOVA
    • Chi-square
    • 1-sample
    • 2-sample t-test with equal variances
    • 2-sample t-test with unequal variances
  2. Depending on the selected test type, input the required information:
    • ANOVA: Enter the Sample size (N) and Number of groups (k)
    • Chi-square: Enter the Number of columns in the table and the Number of rows in the table
    • 1-sample: Enter the Sample size (N)
    • 2-sample t-test with equal variances: Enter the Sample size (N₁) and Sample size (N₂)
    • 2-sample t-test with unequal variances: Enter the Sample size (N₁), Sample size (N₂), Variance (σ₁), and Variance (σ₂)
  1. Click the "Calculate" button to determine the degrees of freedom and any additional results relevant to the selected test type.
  2. Click on the "show steps" button to see the step-by-step solution. 
Degrees of freedom within groups:
Degrees of freedom between groups:
Total degrees of freedom:
Degrees of freedom:
Degrees of freedom:
Degrees of freedom:
Degrees of freedom:
Working on it
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